“When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.”
A hungry Black Skimmer chick struggles to eat a discarded milk jug cap on an east coast beach. Photographed July 2019.
I believe people will protect what they love, and they will only love what they know. It’s my hope that my work will contribute, at least in some small part, to a familiarization with, respect for, and ultimately a love of the creatures that inhabit our planet. Years of human development have pushed many species, and the planet as a whole, towards a tipping point. There is no way to reverse this course without a genuine change in attitude towards the creatures we share the planet with. It starts with each individual - looking, seeing, feeling, and understanding how critical it is that we collectively turn things around.
As a part of this commitment, a portion of proceeds from any of my print sales will go to Natural Lands Trust, an Eastern Pennsylvania-based organization dedicated to acquiring and permanently protecting open space from development - preserving and giving habitat to wildlife while providing places for people to connect with nature.
Below is a collection of photos I’ve taken while out hiking and shooting, in areas that should be pristine refuges. I don’t think any further explanation is needed, but I hope you take a look, and you understand.
Proud member of the following conservation groups: